Angular 9 File upload + Spring Boot REST API
In Angular Component
Construct the formData with all the required fields including your file and the different inputs you need to pass along with your file.
constructFormData(){ let formData = new FormData(); formData.append('couponCode', this.couponCode); formData.append('file',this.networkFileUploaded); // add more inputs as you need this.submitRequest(formData); }
on file upload assigning the uploaded to files to networkFile variable, the same only sent to the backend in the formData
onFileUpload(event: any) { const target: DataTransfer = ( as DataTransfer; if (target.files[0]) { this.filename = target.files[0].name; this.networkFile = target.files[0]; this.constructFormData(); } }
submitRequest(formData:FormData){ this.couponService.submitFileAndData(formData).subscribe((success)=>{ console.log("response received is "+success); }, (error)=>{ console.log("Exception while hitting the file upload service "+error); }); }
In Angular Service
submitFileAndData(formData:FormData) { let url = "http://localhost/coupons/upload"; return<any>(url, formData); }
In Spring Boot Rest API Controller
@RequestMapping(path="/upload", method=RequestMethod.POST, consumes = {"multipart/form-data"}) public boolean uploadFile(@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file, @RequestParam("couponCode") String couponCd){ try{ System.out.println("uploaded file is "+file); System.out.println("passed coupon code is "+couponCd); }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Exception while upload "+e.getMessage()); } }