Setup wordpress locally (step by step explained)

Step 1:  Download the wordpress from wordpress site (

wp download linke

Step 2:  Download the xampp from

Step 3: Open the xampp-control (which is inside the xampp folder).

Step 4: Open the browser and type http://localhost

Now you can able to see the xampp output.

Step 5: Open the phpmyadmin and create the database.


Eg: Database Name : wp

Step 6: Copy the downloaded wordpress (refer step 1) to the htdocs folder of the xampp

(xampp\htdocs\Wp\(copy the downloaded wordpress)).

Step 7: Rename the wp-config-sample.php (wp\wordpress folder\wp-config-sample.php) to wp-config.php

Step 8: Open the wp-config.php file and edit the below details,

/** The name of the database for WordPress */


/** wp is the database name we created in the step 5


/** MySQL database username */

define(‘DB_USER’, ‘root’);


/** MySQL database password */

define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ”);


/** MySQL hostname */

define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);

Step 9:  Open the browser and type http://localhost/Wp/

And clicking wordpress and start creating the username and password,

With the help of the above credentials log in to the wordpress and start designing  your website.




Thanks for reading this post…………!!! 



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