Releasing Reseller Recharge Script 1.0

Table of Contents
Releasing Reseller Recharge Script 1.0:
We have got an ultimate response for our Online Recharge Script 2.0 and many of our users are asked for the reseller recharge script. So we are proudly releasing the reseller recharge script 1.0 [RRS 1.0].
What is Reseller Recharge Script [RRS] ?
Reseller recharge script is a recharge script for individual recharge shoppers / recharge distributors etc.
Why Should I buy RRS ?
In the current market there is no readymade reseller recharge script. We are the only one who providing RRS. Those who are planning to start their own recharge shop/planning to become recharge distributors can buy this script.
What is the Recharge API integrated with Javadomain’s RRS 1.0 ?
We have integrated jolo recharge API with our script. You have to just create an account with JOLOAPI and directly start recharging or start creating your users then become distributor in your area.
Can I have any demo ?
We are recharge distributor in our area and you can find our live URL here. As we are live in the URL, we could not share you any login credentials to check it completely. If you like to recharge and test in the demo, then transfer me Rs. 100/- to create your account and add it in your account. Reach me at for bank account details.
What are the features in RRS 1.0 ?
1. Users management
2. Order Details
3. Wallet
4. Commission Management
5. Mapping configurations
6. Operator circle configurations
7. Email Verify code – Admin login for better security.
Everything looks fine, What about the pricing ?
RRS 1.0 is a very great recharge functional script and we have fully concentrated on the security improvements and core functionalities. We are providing this script for just Rs. 4,600/-
Can I have any support after the purchase ?
As we are providing the script for very less price, we could not provide you any support. But you will be getting the set up instructions with the purchase.
If you are looking for any support then you can become our premium customer by paying Rs. 25,000/- for 1 year support.
Are we belongs to JOLOAPI ?
No. We are not a part of jolo api team. We have only integrated their third party API.
Is this Responsive ?
No. RRS 1.0 is not responsive as of now. But we have already started working on our next release [2.0 for responsive views. You can experience RRS 1.0 rightnow and up-grading our 2.0 once it is released by just paying Rs. 1800/-. But our actual RRS 2.0 pricing will be around Rs. 9,000/-.
What about the commission details ?
Commission details you can check at here.
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