Parsing Flipkart using Java
Hi webscrappers,
Herewith I have given the example working java code to parse flipkart and take the price of the given book (isbn).
I have used Jsoup library. you can download from here,
Jar Download:
Jsoup Jar
Java Program:
package in.javadomain;
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
public class FlipkartBookPrice {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
String bookIsbn = "9780070264984";
String fkPrice = getFlipkartPrice(bookIsbn);
System.out.println("Flipkart Price of " + bookIsbn + ": \n" + fkPrice);
private static String getFlipkartPrice(String bookIsbnNo)
throws IOException {
String baseUrl = "" + bookIsbnNo
+ "";
String fkPrice = null;
Document doc = Jsoup.connect(baseUrl).timeout(0).get();
fkPrice ="").select("span.pprice")
return fkPrice;
Flipkart Price of 9780070264984:
Rs. 436
hi ,
can you plz help me , i want to call flipkart api to list adds on my website ho to do it with flipkart affiliation,
i have created flipkart affiliation account but i dont now how to call it from java spring.
Flipkart affiliate is to display their product details in iframe or using scripts. Please be clear on doubts/clarifications to help you better.