JPA Predicate criteriabuilder example for beginners
Predicate is an interface which extends Expression and can be used for conjunction or disjunction of restrictions.
Syntax to create a predicate:
Predicate someCondition = criteriaBuilder.equal(affiliateUrlRoot.get(“shop_home_url”), “mirthbees”);
criteriaBuilder is a CriteriaBuilder, which can be created like this,
private EntityManager entityManager;
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
affiliateUrlRoot is the root of your entity model [shop_home_url – is your field name inside the pojo/model class], which can be created,
CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(AffiliateUrl.class);
Root affiliateUrlRoot = criteriaQuery.from(AffiliateUrl.class);
“mirthbees” is the value which is going to get assigned to the field “shop_home_url” with equal condition.
You can create an arraylist of type Predicate to store all your predicate conditions.
final List predicates = new ArrayList();
Now you can use where class to execute your predicate(from predicates list added above) conditions and return the result,
.where(criteriaBuilder.and(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[predicates.size()])));
List results = entityManager.createQuery(criteriaQuery).getResultList();
AffiliateUrl => is the model which has the below fields,
private String affiliate_network_name;
Sample value: MIRTHBEES
private String shop_home_url;
sample url:
Sample hibernate created query below for your reference:
Hibernate: select affiliateu0_.affiliate_url_id as affiliat1_0_, affiliateu0_.affiliate_network_name as affiliat2_0_, affiliateu0_.affiliate_shop_identity as affiliat3_0_, affiliateu0_.created_date_time as created_4_0_, affiliateu0_.created_user_id as created_5_0_, affiliateu0_.last_updated_date_time as last_upd6_0_, affiliateu0_.last_updated_user_id as last_upd7_0_, affiliateu0_.shop_home_affiliate_url as shop_hom8_0_, affiliateu0_.shop_home_url as shop_hom9_0_ from affiliate_url affiliateu0_
(affiliateu0_.shop_home_url like ?)
(affiliateu0_.affiliate_network_name in (?))
For better easy understanding, I am sharing the complete source code with category model with predicate:
public List searchCategoriesByParms(Category category) {
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Category.class);
Root categoryRoot = criteriaQuery.from(Category.class);
List allPredicates = new ArrayList();
if(category.getCategoryName()!=null && !category.getCategoryImage().isEmpty()){
Predicate categoryNmLikePredicate =“categoryName”), “%”+category.getCategoryName()+”%”);
} Predicate[allPredicates.size()]));
List matchedCategoriesList = entityManager.createQuery(criteriaQuery).getResultList();
return matchedCategoriesList;
Feel free to let me know if you have any queries in the below comments section.