How to find the installed applications in Ubuntu ?

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How to find the installed applications in Ubuntu ?
If you are new to Ubuntu then you may be facing lot of difficulties to work with Ubuntu. If you have already worked in windows 7/any windows platform, then understanding and working with Ubuntu platform need really some patience. I recently started working with Ubuntu to understand the Linux platform. I really liked the system very much, but many small things like “Finding the installed application in Ubuntu” and “working with paint/screenshot capturing” are making me to spend more time to install/work/understand it.
I just want to do a small painting in Ubuntu, but the default provided paint application “gnome-paint editor” is not really looking good both in user interface wise and features wise, so browsed and concluded like “Pinta” is a good replacement of Ms-paint.
I have installed pinta,
sudo apt-get install pinta
After the successful installation, I could not find the “pinta”, so not able to open and work with it.
So I got a confusion, whether it is successfully installed or not. So I confirmed the installation using synaptic package manager.
Confirming the application installation using synaptic package manager:
Synaptic Package Manager can be installed directly using Ubuntu Software Center / using the below command,
sudo apt-get install synaptic

I confirmed the successful installation, because synaptic package manager provided the detailed information on the installation/features and change-logs.
I installed pinta, confirmed it successful installation, but still could not open it. Because in dash/terminal not able to find the pinta.
So I looked in /usr/lib/pinta, .exe file is there, which we can not run in ubuntu.
So thought to install some menu so that everything can be arranged in the categories, which can help me out to find the Pinta easily
Installing gnome Classic Menu:
You can install this through Ubuntu software center/
sudo apt-get install classicmenu-indicator
After the successful installation open classicmenu and launch it. After that all the installed software/applications can be easily found at the menu [top] near time.

Hope the above detailed explanation on “How to find the installed applications in Ubuntu ?” can be easily understandable and helpful.
Feel free to provide any comments/suggestions/feedbacks in the below comments section.