Table of Contents
Git Daily use Commands
Clone your git repo
git clone is same github repo url. Also note this command check outs the default master (mostly) or default configured branch will be checked out.
Fetch all
git fetch --all
Always fetch first to make sure all the remote branches, tags everything is properly fetched to your loal then you can easily switch/checkout to new branches created recently.
Checkout the branch first time
git checkout -b ngdeveloper_fsdev
ngdeveloper_fsdev is the branch name. This also creates the ngdeveloper_fsdev local branch in local repo.
Checkout the branch (Switching the branch)
git checkout ngdeveloper_fsdev
ngdeveloper_fsdev is the branch name.
Take the latest code from the same branch
git pull
Take the pull from ngdeveloper_fsdev remote origin branch to your local branch which is ngdeveloper_fsdev in our case.
Take the latest code from another branch
git pull origin ngdev_fsdev_main
Take the pull from ngdev_fsdev_main remote origin branch to your local branch which is ngdeveloper_fsdev in our case.
Commit your code
git commit -m "dependency upgraded"
dependency upgraded is your commit message. Always give the meaningful name should also means the actual change you are committing. Some companies follows JIRA ID followed by message (eg: NGDEV-1033: dependency upgraded – if so pls follow the same else it creates some other issues)
Push your code to remote
git push
This pushes your committed changes to your connected remote repo. if you are not sure about your remote repo, check using this command.
Merge the changes from another branch (mostly main feature branch or master)
git merge --no-ff ngdev_fsdev_feature_main
Git Bonus Commands
Check recent commit log
git log --oneline
Show remote origin details
git remote show origin
This shows the repo url of the currently configured as remote origin, meaning all your changes will be pushed or reflected to this remote repo only.
Check the current branch
git branch --show-current
List branches
git branch -a // list all the branches
git branch -l // list all local branches
git branch -r // list all remote branches
Reset your branch
git reset // mixed reset (staged to unstaged)
git reset --hard // this resets to the head of the origin