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Flutter Dart one line explanations for beginners

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What is Flutter ?

Flutter is an open source mobile application development framework developed by Google. Dart is the new open source programming lanauge created by google and Flutter and Dart can be used together to develop the mobile application for both IOS and Android.

Difference between Flutter Vs Dart ?

Flutter is an framework like spring/Angular/Django and

Dart is a programming language like Java/Typescript/Python.

We also need Flutter SDK to start developing the app for both IOS and Android.

Is Dart hard to learn ?

Dart is a language which mixes Java, Javascript and C#. So if you are familiar with any of these languages then you won’t find the difficult to learn this language.

Google’s currently doing the beta testing for the web developments using Dart language. so it is expected that in future Dart and Flutter will also get some place in both web and app developments.

Who are all started using Flutter for their app developments ?

Dream11 – Fantasy sports platform uses flutter framework to develop their app (yes, one code base and used in two different platforms – Android and IOS). Many big compaies like group on, BMW, Alibaba and Ebay also uses the Flutter. See the full showcase here.

How flutter is different from other android application development programming languages or frameworks ?

Flutter is different than swift, kotlin and java this way,

FeaturesJavaKotlinSwiftIonicReact NativeFlutter/Dart
Developed ByOracleGoogleAppleIonicFacebookGoogle
Web app code
can be re used ?
(Expected to be
YES in future)

I am a web developer, should I also need to learn Flutter?

If you are a web developer who uses Javascript extremely then start developing one app with React Native.

If you are angular/react js developer then still you can plan to use either Ionic/React Native framework to develop your first mobile APP.

If you are legacy web framework developer, then consider migrating yourself to angular/react js if you want to some space in latest web technology area. If you just want to be migrated to mobile app development without knowing angular/react frameworks, then learning flutter and dart helps you.

As already mentioned in the same article, google is currently in the beta testing for the web application development using the same tech stacks. So learning won’t hurt you really.

I am already a Ionic/React JS App developer, Should I consider learning Flutter and Dart still ?

Of course Yes. Because Ionic lacks in performance and React is partially compiled native application. So if you want to give the native application experience to your user with single code base, then you should consider upgrading yourself to flutter and dart.

In Flutter, since you will have the pixel level control of your UI, you will really be able to create some impressive apps. I feel Cred App is also developed using the Flutter only. (But not able to confirm!)

People are searching about flutter more in last 90 days worldwide as per google trends, I think this is enough to know that others are also crazy learning flutter. Just begin soon!

What’s the average flutter developer salary ?

As par the glassdoor average salary per year for flutter developer is 52,82,025.00 Indian Rupee.

Where can we begin learning the flutter app developments ?

Udemy is the place you can begin to learn flutter app developments.

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