Best Blogging editor for ubuntu

3 Best blogging editor for ubuntu/linux:
Writing a blog in the dashboard all the time is very ineffective, since repeating the process to login/new post then writting etc. so it is always recommended to keep some desktop blogging editor installed to write the draft contents. Once the full content ready then either you can directly publish from the desktop blogging editor software or copy-paste in the dashboard new post. Which will help you to write your blogs effectively.
I could find a lot of desktop blogging software for windows and mac users shared online, but could find only very few post/software for Linux/Ubuntu bloggers. so I am writing here to help Ubuntu and Linux users for desktop blogging software’s.
1. Blogilo:
Blogilo is a Free/Open Source Blogging client, focused on simplicity and usability.
- A full featured WYSIWYG editor and an HTML editor.
- Previewing your post with your blog style, like when you are visiting it at your blog.
- Support for Blogger1.0, MetaWeblog, MovableType (WordPress supports all of these) and Google GData (used on blogs) APIs.
- Support for creating/modifying/deleting posts.
- Support for creating drafts and scheduled posts.
- Support for uploading media files to your blog (only on supported APIs e.g. MetaWeblog and MovableType).
- Support for fetching your recent blog entries.
- Support for adding images to post from your system. It will upload them on Submitting post to blog (only on supported APIs e.g. MetaWeblog and MovableType).
- Support for saving local entries before publishing.
- Saving your writing copy to prevent data loss, at configurable intervals.
- Internal auto spell checker. (KDE spell checker used so most of languages are supported.)
My View:
When I start writing the post with Blogilo, I personally felt this is the one which I was looking for longtime in linux/ubuntu for desktop blogging. You canalso try this and share your comments in the comment section below.
Overall Rating as of March 2016: 3/5 (34 ratings)
How to install ?
sudo apt-get install blogilo
search & install direclty from ubuntu software center
2. QTM:
QTM is a desktop application for interacting with blogging and other content management systems. It is presently compatible with WordPress, Movable Type, Drupal and Textpattern (but not with Blogger).
Features: No features are published/shared in the ubuntu software center.
My View:
When I started using this to blog with wordpress, I could not find many basic options like list/font size adjustments,formatings etc.
It is a very basic desktop blogging editor software and size is very small that is just around 1MB, so try it, if blogging software is enough like notepad.
Overall Rating as of March 2016: 3/5 (3 ratings)
How to install ?
search & install direclty from ubuntu software center
3. Weblog Manager
It is purely to work with wordpress blog.
Instant publishing (no rebuilding)
Comment pingback support with spam protection
Non-crufty URLs
Plugin support
My View:
After I install this using ubuntu software center, I could not find it in my system, they mentioned in the site like I have to run wp-setup first, I felt like it is a long time setup process, so I quit trying it further. If someone tried it and feel it is good fit for bloggers/wordpress bloggers, please share the comment/how to setup it to help someone.
Overall Rating as of March 2016: 4/5 (3 ratings)
How to install ?
search & install direclty from ubuntu software center
I am in the process finding further more better tools for desktop blogging. You can also add your own desktop blogging software in the comments below.