7 Awesome Tips to Improve your site SEO:

7 Awesome Tips to Improve your site SEO:
Table of Contents
1. Be social from day one:
Whatever the website/blog you have, making it social from day one really make your content and social viral. This is a key point to bring the new users/existing users repeatedly to your blog/site.
Since many of them social maximum times 😉
If you have already running a site then ensure you have good social connectivity.
If you are planning to start a new site/blog ensure that it is going to be social from day one.
2. Ensure you have latest software’s:
Ensuring the latest software’s in your site will help you get away from hacking and security violations/issues which indirectly helps you for better SEO.
Because google do not want to send their users to security less sites.
3. Reduce server response time:
On average sites which takes more than 4 seconds to load will fail to be top at search engines. So concentrate much on reducing the server response time to get better place at search engines.
Also strategies proved that reducing 1 second load time will increase 50% of users.
4. Minimization:
To increase the server response time and loading time it is important to minimize the CSS and JS files too.
Keep only one JS/CSS file/less files
Keeping only one css/JS file is actually a tough task to achieve, but atleast keeping less as possible will really help to reduce the http requests which directly helps to improve SEO score.
5. Image optimizations:
Images are important to get a better rank. Also how we used images plays a key role to get better ranks.
Images should have a good(proper meaningful) title and alt tag without fail.
Image size should be small as possible to reduce the server load time.
As per Yoast SEO plugin in wordpress, image alt tag with the same post title gives better SEO score for the particular article/post.
6. Make it responsive right away:
Responsive websites will get really a good traffic comparing with non-responsive website.
Also keeping two different websites for mobile(m.example.com) and desktop(example.com) also will really spoil the SEO of a site.
7. Remove Inline CSS:
Always keep the css styles in style.css or any other css files only, do not write it inline.
Inline CSS is highly discouraged not only for better seo, which also affects the performance.
Feel free to share any of your awesome tip in the below comments area for better seo ranking in google.