As keyword in oracle example
“AS” and “Alias” keyword in oracle:
“As” or “Alias” is not allowed in oracle for table names and it is used only for columns
Table not allowing “As” and “Alias” in oracle:
Query without As for table (works fine)
SELECT empIdName.empName,es.empSalary FROM empIdName INNER JOIN empIdSalary P1 ON P1.empId = empIdName.empId INNER JOIN empCodeSalary es ON es.empCode = p1.empsalary
Query with As for table (throws error)
SELECT empIdName.empName,es.empSalary FROM empIdName INNER JOIN empIdSalary as P1 ON P1.empId = empIdName.empId INNER JOIN empCodeSalary as es ON es.empCode =
ORA-00905: missing keyword
00905. 00000 – “missing keyword”
Error at Line: 100 Column: 76
Columns allowing “AS” and “Alias” in oracle:
SELECT empIdName.empName as “employee name”,es.empSalary as “employee salary” FROM empIdName INNER JOIN empIdSalary P1 ON P1.empId = empIdName.empId INNER JOINÂ empCodeSalary es ON es.empCode = p1.empsalary
Columns works fine for both the scenarios (with As/Alias or without As/Alias).
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