25 tips to use google effectively

How to use google effectively ?
Google, one of the most trusted tech company in the world. But it’s base starts with search functionality. As per the recent analytics around 5k searches happens every second in google. But many of us don’t know how to use google effectively. Here is the top and consolidated google tips for effective searches using google.
Google provides lot of keywords to find the most accurate results quickly and just with google itself without navigating to any other results/pages.
25 tips to use google effectively ?
Table of Contents
Tip #1: Search only in particular site
site:ngdeveloper.com pnr script
pnr script will be searched and returned only from ngdeveloper.com
[sociallocker id=”4411″]
Tip #2: Search the content in particular file type [ppt/pdf etc.]
filetype:pdf “list of online shops”
“list of online shops” with PDF filetypes results returned
eat that frog filetype:ppt
eat that frog with PPT results returned
Tip #3: Effective Use of “in” with google
$1500 in inr
time in sydney
Tip #4: Effective use of “to” in google
chennai to bangalore
Distance/Map/flights details returned between chennai to bangalore
82kg to pounds
Tip #5: Effective use of “by” in google
quotes by mark zuckerberg
Mark zuckerberg quotes returned:
books by brian tracy
Brian tracky books returned:
songs by ar rahman
AR Rahman songs returned:
Tip #6: Effective use of “..” in google
eat that frog 50..100
Displays the eat that frog book with the price range between 50 to 100:
personalized gifts 250..500
Some gifts within this price range returned:
How google, adobe, hp and sun microsystem names came ?
Tip #7: Effective use of “”[double quotes] in google
“online recharge script 3.0”
Exact text match results returned:
Tip #8: To know the definition of anything/something
Definition of a computer returned:
Tip #9: To exclude a site/text from the search result
how to create recharge webite -www.insidesoftwares.com
www.insidesoftwares.com is removed from the search result:
how to create recharge webite
www.insidesoftwares.com is also in the search result:
Tip #10: To know weather of a place/city by pincode
Tip #11: To Restrict the search results by domain extensions
site:.gov “navy jobs”
Tip #12: To find the related sites
Tip #13: To find the text in the page title
Tip #14: To get the wiki page of a search [company/word/person etc.,]
Tip #15: Type the festival name/any day to get more info about it.
world health day
Tip #16: Searching with the synonyms
wordpress themes ~find
Returns wordpress themes find/detect/search => tild is basically to search with synonym words
Tip #17: To search only in the url
allinurl:paytm promo codes
Tip #18: To Search only the books
Tip #19: To find the links of a domain
link:www.ngdeveloper.com -site:www.ngdeveloper.com
Tip #20: Effective use of “*”
“online * script”
Here * replaced by one or more words/terms and result includes online recharge script/online refer script etc.,
Tip #21: Google as calculator
50% of 2000
Tip #22: To find the origin of the word:
Some Fun Tips:
Tip #23: Put a toss using google:
flip a coin
Tip #24: Set the timer in google:
set timer for 2 minutes
Combining More than one Search:
Tip #25: combining more than one search
site:couponzcorner.com inurl:”paytm coupons” OR “flipkart coupons” OR “ebay coupons”
intext => searches inside the page, where as inurl searches only in the page url.
Returns paytm coupons/ebay coupons/flipkart coupons from couponzcorner.com and match should be only in url.
If intext given then it checks in the page as well.
Do you know any other tips to use google effectively ? Please do share in the below comments section.