How to select the best angular components for your angular projects ?

How to select the best angular components for your angular projects ?

If you have more than one angular component in npm / github for the same requirement then you can use the below 6 ways to filter the best suitable one for your requirement.


1. Look for the more number stars or downloads in both npm and github to know the current usage details of the component.


For example:

‘AngularMultiSelectModule’ component has


How to select the best angular components for your angular projects ?


It just has only 13 stars but in npm,

How to select the best angular components for your angular projects ?


I feel it is good to go with this component. I even published an article on how to use this with step by step instructions here


2. Look for the last updated date details to understand the update of the component.

How to select the best angular components for your angular projects ?

3. Look for the open issues/solutions to understand the developer team is active/not.

More issues indicates more number of users are using and facing different issues with their use-cases.

How to select the best angular components for your angular projects ?


4. Look for the documentation / demo to see whether it is suitable for your requirements or not.


How to select the best angular components for your angular projects ?


5. Do small POC with all your requirement before picking the right component.


6. You can also filter based on your UI frameworks [bootstrap/modernize] or other dependencies like font-awesome/jQuery etc…


How to select the best angular components for your angular projects ?



These 6 ways will really help you a lot to pick and use the right angular components for your angular projects.


Please share your comments if you have some other idea to select the good angular component.

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