Difference between concat and + in java
Difference between + and concat():
Using + operator:
1. Any type of variable can be concatenated, it is not mandatory to be a string variable.
String firstVar = "Java";
int secVar = 11;
String plusConcat = firstVar + secVar;
System.out.println(plusConcat); // prints Java11
2. String can be null and it will not throw null pointer exception.
String myVar = null;
String plus = myVar + "java";
System.out.println(plus); // prints nulljava
1. Argument must be string for concatenation using concat()
a.concat(11) //it is not possible
2. String must not be null, if it is null then it will throw null pointer exception.
String myVar = null;
String value = "java";
System.out.println(myVar.concat(value)); // throws null pointer exception